Monthly Archives: January 2008

“Work out your salvation”

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Philippians 2:12 says, “Work out your salvation,” but then the very next verse says, “It is God who works in you.” Sounds like a contradiction, but it’s not. Here the Scripture is talking about a “spiritual workout.” What do you do in a physical workout? You develop the muscles that God has given you. To work out means to cultivate, to make the most of what you have been given. That’s what the Scripture says here. Cultivate your spiritual life!

God has a part in our spiritual growth and we also have a part. He provides the power, but we must flip the switch. Galatians 5:16 says, “We must live by the Spirit.”

“Proclaiming” the Lord’s death

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It’s interesting that great and noble things men do are often accompanied by great and noble words. Consider these memorable quotes:

“We must hang together, gentlemen…else, we shall most assuredly hang separately.” (Benjamin Franklin)

“That’s one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind.” (Neil Armstrong)

“…first of all, let me assert my firm belief that the only thing we have to fear is fear itself.” (Franklin D. Roosevelt)

These men had something to proclaim — a great point to make. Jefferson proclaimed life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. The Christian is also called to make a proclamation:

For whenever you eat this bread and drink this cup, you proclaim the Lord’s death until he comes. (1 Corinthians 11:26)

Have you ever wondered why we’re not called to proclaim the Lord’s teaching? His miracles? His resurrection? Indeed, the miracles help us believe; the teaching helps us live, the resurrection gives us hope. The Lord’s sacrifice in death brings us salvation.

So what is it exactly that we “proclaim” at the Lord’s Supper? We proclaim that Jesus the Christ, God in the flesh, the Great I Am (John 8:58) came to this earth specifically to die that we might live. This is what we declare every time we partake of the loaf and the cup.

(Thanks to Becoming Closer for the idea.)

Kenya Update

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I recently received this update on the situation in Kenya, from Berkeley Hackett, as well as a letter from Charlotte Hackett (opens in a new window or tab).

Sent: Thursday, January 10, 2008
Subject: Kenya Report

Hundreds have lost their lives since the New Year and hundreds of thousands more have had to flee their homes due to political and tribal violence in Kenya. The majority of these displaced people have had to flee burning homes and armed attackers with little more than the clothes on their backs. They are gathered in church compounds, chiefs’ camps and other public places hungry, cold and bewildered. This the first time in Kenya’s history as a nation that anything of this magnitude has occurred. Many in Kenya and internationally are aghast and surprised by the events.

The members of the Nairobi Church of Christ in the Eastleigh community of the city are not standing around wringing their hands. They have appointed a committee of elders, deacons, evangelists and leaders from the women’s ministry to organize and distribute food and other needed supplies to the suffering thousands. Daily deliveries are now underway starting with the church members and their neighbors in Nairobi’s vast Eastlands area including the hard hit Mathari Valley slums where some of the worse violence in Nairobi occurred. From there we’ll go further afield as funds permit.

Funds are being collected at the Saturn Road Church of Christ, 3030 Saturn Road, Garland, Texas 75041 tel: (972) 271-2444 and the Central Church of Christ, 304 Hargrove Road, Tuscaloosa, Alabama 35401 tel: (205) 758-1177.

Berkeley Hackett

A truckload of relief supplies is unloaded.The Kenya Christian Industrial Training Institute, the Christian college in Nairobi gave the church the use of its truck to carry relief supplies. This load consisted of flour, cooking oil and sanitary supplies.



Lining up to receive food donations.

700 displaced women and children lined up in the early morning mist at this emergency feeding station to receive the first food donation of the week and this was Wednesday!