Monthly Archives: February 2009

Is Islam really non-violent?

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By John L. Kachelman, Jr.

For a number of years we have been subtly programmed to believe that Islam is non-violent and all-inclusive. Such propaganda is blatantly FALSE! Incredibly Americans have accepted this line and consequently resistance to Islam is diminishing and any trying to keep the truth of it known are bitterly branded as “hate mongers.” Christianity is in perhaps the greatest struggle for its existence since the first century periods of persecution. Tragically many “Christians” have chosen to compromise their religious views as they have discarded absolute Truth for personal feelings and opinions. That surrender of absolute Truth in the doctrine and practice of New Testament Christianity has softened up any resistance regarding Islam. The all-inclusiveness of compromised Christianity offers no obstacle to the fervor and unyielding exclusiveness of Islam.

Worldwide news sources and government reports indicate that Islam is showing amazing progress and has effected incredible changes in culture and governing. Illustrative of this is the recent decision in Pakistan to allow Shariah Law to be the governing for a select area. Such does not satisfy the ravenous hunger of Islam but only serves as an appetizer for the full course. I predict that in short time Shariah Law will be the governing over all of Pakistan. But that nation provides only the grim insight awaiting all nations in the world if Islam is not stopped.

Several months ago I sent out a series on Islam and in one of the articles cited the statistics of nation-by-nation where Islam’s power and influence has developed to the point of oppression and evil acts against those who refused to convert.

Understand this simple point—with Islam there is no middle ground. There is no all-inclusion. There is only “one god and it is Allah”! Do not delude yourself by thinking that the “god” of Islam is the God of Christianity. Do not regurgitate the inane “well THEIR god is the same as OUR God but just called by a different name.” It is not truth. It is patently false and deliberately misleading.

It seems that most are either unwilling to speak up about this evil of Islam or they are completely deceived having believed the lies.

Recently an event transpired that illustrates very clearly the evil about which I and others have sought to sound the alarm. Here is one of the most recent news reports on this event. A good brother wrote me about this and stated: “Is it surprising that NO major news outlet covered this, except CNN?? Muslim PC (or fear) at work in the US.”

How do you spend your time?

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My long-time friend Jim Martin is pulpit minister for a congregation in Waco, and maintains a blog I highly recommend: A Place For The God-Hungry. His post from Tuesday (2/4/09) was a pretty insightful look at how we spend our time, and the things we should really be making time for. I repeat that post here, with his permission…

I have been on Facebook for about a year. What I absolutely love about Facebook is the opportunity to re-connect with friends from the past. In the past few months, I have had the opportunity to communicate with Frank, Gary, Debbie, John, Bob, Debbie, Rick, and today — Stan. I haven’t seen most of these people in decades. Yet, re-connecting with these people is a special gift because we share a common history and a common memory. We were a part of a small Christian school in Dallas.

I have been thinking this week about how short life really is. When I was in junior high school, some days would seem like weeks. In some ways, time passes so slowly when you are young. Now? Now time moves quickly. Oh, I don’t feel old or even refer to myself as being old. Yet, I remember passing a mirror not long ago almost startled by the man staring at me. Yes, it was me inside this man’s body. But inside? “I’m still the boy.”

Today, I realize just how valuable time really is.

  1. I don’t have time to waste on things that don’t matter. I have plenty of time for the things that count.
  2. I don’t have time to get moody, self-centered, and irritable. I do have time to love my wife and children.
  3. I don’t have time to wallow in the past over what might have been. I do have time to focus on what God wants to do in my life today.
  4. I don’t have time to play self-importance games (Whom do you know? What kind of house do you live in? What have your kids accomplished? What are you driving?). I do have time to build up others and forget myself.
  5. I don’t have time to coddle worldly, immature Christians whose idea of church is getting their way. I have plenty of time to love fellow Christians who may have various opinions.
  6. I don’t have time to be a peacemonger (doing whatever it takes to keep others from getting upset). I do have time to be a peacemaker (loving people no matter what).
  7. I don’t have time to play it safe and never risk the possibility of discomfort. I do have time to trust God who has promised to never leave me or forsake me.
  8. I don’t have time to whine and blame others for being obstacles. I do have time to take responsibility for my own actions and behavior.
  9. I don’t have time to complain and focus on the negative. I do have time to speak a word of hope to people who are overwhelmed by heartache.
  10. I don’t have time to settle for the mediocre. I do have time to be passionate about what matters most to God.

Jim Martin