Category Archives: Evolution

Judge: Teacher violated kids’ rights by calling creationism ‘nonsense’

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That’s the headline from an article in today’s USA Today. Now I’m certainly not an advocate of frivolous lawsuits, but I don’t believe this one to be frivolous. I’m glad someone is standing up and speaking out against those who teach the Bible story of creation to be nonsense.

  • Never mind the fact that it takes more faith to believe in evolution than it does to believe in creationism.
  • Never mind the fact that there’s more evidence for creationism than there is for evolution.
  • Never mind the fact that there are many more unanswered questions about evolution than there are about creationism.

Some people just don’t want to be bothered with the facts.

Read the article and let me know what you think.

“Expelled” revisited

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The following article is reprinted in its entirety from the Apologetics Press website.

Expelled: One Movie You Ought to See

by Eric Lyons, M.Min.

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Rarely does Apologetics Press encourage readers to see a movie on the big screen. It goes without saying that most movies playing in theaters are unfit for a Christian to watch (cf. Philippians 4:8; Psalm 101:3), and are unworthy of a Christian’s God-given time and money. However, one especially important film opened this past weekend in more than 1,000 theatres across America. Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed is a documentary starring actor, economist, lawyer, and professor Ben Stein.

In the film, Stein, who also co-wrote the documentary, highlights “an elitist scientific establishment that has traded in its skepticism for dogma” (“What Happened…?” 2007). Refusing to follow the evidence to wherever it leads, “the scientific establishment” is exposed as phony freethinkers. “Freedom of inquiry has been greatly compromised” by evolutionists who will allow “absolutely no dissent from Charles Darwin’s theory of random mutation and natural selection” (“What Happened…?” 2007, emp. added). As proof of such close-mindedness on the part of “Big Science,” Stein interviews several bright, credentialed scientists. These men and women have been fired from their positions or denied tenure simply because they questioned the factuality of the General Theory of Evolution and/or publicly supported intelligent design. Their stories prove that the scientific establishment really is free only to think inside the walls of the “goo-to-you” theory of evolution. Question the theory of evolution publicly, and, as Stein uncovers, a scientist must be prepared to lose his or her job and reputation in the scientific community.

Stein also confronts the biggest proponents of evolutionary theory—from England’s world famous biologist Richard Dawkins, to one of America’s most vociferous critics of intelligent design, executive director of the National Center for Science Education, Eugenie Scott. Stein frustrated staunch evolutionist Michael Ruse when he questioned him about the origin of life on Earth. What’s more, he even gets Richard Dawkins to admit…. Well, just go see for yourself. Stein’s interview with Dawkins, author of The God Delusion, is the climax of the entire documentary.

Expelled is not a Christian film per se; its emphasis is not on the Bible, Jesus, or Christianity. However, we believe that Christians will enjoy the documentary (except for one interviewee’s use of the term “hell”), as it is very much pro-logic, pro-liberty, pro-life, and pro-intelligent design—which also means that it is very much anti-macroevolution.

REFERENCE “What Happened to Freedom of Speech?” (2007), [On-line], URL:

Challenging evolution in the classroom

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Not evolution that happens in the classroom, but… Well, you know what I mean…

Last week the Florida Senate passed a bill that would allow public school teachers to challenge evolution with “scientific information”. Naturally, there is opposition to this, and you can probably guess where some of the most vocal opposition is coming from. (Hint: it’s a 4-letter word.) Of course they’re worried that the Christian right will be force-feeding Christianity into the students’ young skulls full of mush. That isn’t their main public objection though. The objection they’re hanging their hat on is that “such information would not necessarily need to undergo peer review, the process by which scientists evaluate and test each others’ work”, according to Senate Democratic Leader Steve Geller, of Cooper City, who debated against the bill.

Frankly, I don’t know what they’re afraid of. You can’t prove the Bible story of creation with the scientific method anyway. Perhaps they’re worried that the “scientific” experiments “proving” evolution that are taught as fact in schools today have long ago been disproved — in some cases as much as 50 years ago. Now I can see that as being a huge threat to them.

According to The Gainesville Sun, “the bill passed the Senate with a 21-17 vote, with only one Democrat in favor and five Republicans opposed. It next goes to the House, which is considering a different bill that not only would allow teachers to question evolution but require them to present a ‘critical analysis’ of Charles Darwin’s scientific theory.” I think this is a good bill, and would like to see something similar on the books in all 50 states.

What do you think?